
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

For Gracie on Her Birthday (4 Happy Pictures)

Happiest of Birthdays to you, sweet Gracie Kate!

What would our family be like without you?  Daddy and I say all the time how you complete our family so perfectly!

We love how silly you are and how your answer to answer to so many questions is, "Shawshee!"

We're not exactly sure what Shawshee is, but it's usually a noun :)

You have the happiest, smiley-est eyes, and you have the most expressive facial expressions of any kid I've ever seen!

You make people feel welcome in our home and lives when you engage them in your silly stories and antics!  

You do like to bug your sisters, because you're the youngest, after all, and that's pretty much required.  But, there are times when Maggie is sad or scared that you encourage her and tell her kind things.

I'm looking forward to our time together this school year!  I can't wait to go on adventures with you, read books together, eat soup for lunch, and play at the park.  It's good for me to see who you are on your own, and I love who you are in all contexts and environments.

Your personality is an awesome marriage of free spirit and commitment to organization.  

I mean, 1 minute you're crawling around with a giraffe costume on and pretending to be a cat, and the next minute you have to have your bed set up just so!  

And let me not forget to mention that you are my little foodie buddy!  At long last, a child of mine who isn't a picky eater :)  I love that you'll try anything I eat, and I sometimes forget that you'll eat leftovers for lunch and not just a sandwich!

Even though there are times that your energy just wears me out, I wouldn't change you one bit!  

My hope and prayer for you this year is that God would give you a heart that loves and seeks Him.

I hope that as your grow older, you never lose your fun-loving personality, but that you let it be refined as a tool that points people to Jesus.  

You have a sparkle about you that makes people want to be around you, and I know that's something that God can use to further His kingdom.

You, my sweet girl, are going to be and are the most amazing force to be reckoned passionate and enthusiastic and magnetic and brave and silly and sometimes so sincere.

I love love double love being your mommy.  I could never have imagined a more perfect-for-me youngest daughter than you are.

Thanks for always lightening the mood, doing silly dances, and being the first one to laugh.

God knew just what we needed when He designed you.  I'll always be thankful for you, my sweet Gracie Kate (aka GKat, aka Kitty Cat, aka Meow have the most nicknames!)

I love you!!!!


Love always, 

And a bonus one, just because it looks like you're flashing gang signs :)

In case you're interested in a walk down memory lane, here's her letter from last year which includes baby pictures.  Gulp!  She's practically an adult :)

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